Friday, February 6, 2015

random morning

Today i woke and brushed my teeth and my hair.. BARELY then i went to walmart and i got some fruit and then i was looking at the sweets and i was thinking i wanted some smores brownies and some cookies and cremes cookies so i grabbed those and a bunch of pineapples and then i was late so i realized i had to get to school before 7;45 cause my attendance isn't the best so i rushed to school and i seen a car almost wipe out today so you gotta be careful while driving on these icy Minnesota roads. When i got to school i was hungry and then i remembered i bought a bag of golsfish to school and that was gone by like second period so i had goldfish for breakfast, you know the healthiest breakfast there is out there! I also had this smoothie where you just put juice in it and shake it and you got a no blend fruit smoothie! It was very delicious. Then i was in chem and i dislike chem so i wasn't really excited about that but yeah there was my morning.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

10 Steps to Writing a Story – Broadcast Journalism

1. Find a topic_____.
- relate to your topic
- has to be news worthy 

2.. Find an angle_________.  
- breaking down the topic
3. Collect data/information _____________.
-who, what 
-when, where
-why & soometimes how. 
4. Conduct the interviews________________.
-rule of threes. interview 3 people. 
-minimum of 9 questions. 3 questions each.  
-interview the experts/older or experienced people. 
5. Shoot your reporter stand up_______________ _________.
-the reporter will be on camera 
-stand up should appear in the middle of the story, location, a segway 
6. Organize your sound bites_______________.
-a piece of audio that can stand on its own 
-open ended question 
-how or why? 
7. Write _transitions in your story.
-write stuff between the interviews
-put our voice between the interviews
8. Write the open and close of your story.
-write the middle first. go back to write opening or close if cant start the opening.  
9. Write the anchor in's and out's (if necessary).
10. Collect b-roll to add to your story (throughout steps 4-9)
-broadcast or footage

*Steps 4-8 in your story are called the a-roll ____________________.
all the A roll first and then go back to do the B roll